Registration for RSECon22 in-person tickets is now closed. The links below have been kept active for now in case any tickets become available again in the future.
Registration costs £270 plus VAT for members of the RSE Society, and £300 plus VAT for non-members.
As a small charity, we take a big risk each year signing contracts and paying deposits for a conference venue and dinner venues that we must then fill completely and are obliged to pay them even if we can’t use them.
The committee has made the decision to not sell any tickets for live-streaming this year due to the prohibitive costs of streaming the event; however, we will be recording the sessions and they’ll be available on the society YouTube channel following the conference.
Helpful links
You may still find it helpful to see the registration questions.
You can see the programme for the conference here.
You can also look at the policies drawn up by the committee for the conference.
If you have any problems with registering, please email the conference committee.