Walkthroughs are presenter-led demonstrations, e.g. live-coding or running through a Jupyter notebook. Walkthroughs will last 30 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for questions. There will be 2 walkthroughs per 90 minute session.

A walkthrough’s aim is to educate the audience about a tool or technique that would be of interest to the community. Ideally, walkthroughs should provide enough detail to enable the audience to walk through themselves in their own time after the conference. It’s important to note that the audience is not expected to follow-along live using their own laptop.

Planning your submission

Our most successful walkthroughs have been an engaging experience containing a mix of slides and demonstrations. Past presentations have involved swapping between slides and live coding or a demonstration of code, or a notebook or other interactive session.

When planning your walkthrough the goal is to keep your scope narrow and focus on depth of content over breath.  For example, focus on leaving attendees with a good understanding of one particular aspect of a tool rather than presenting a broad insight into a range of features but no understanding of where to start.

Consider the following details:

  • Title: Make this informative and eye-catching as this will be used in the conference programme.
  • Audience: Would your target audience be required to have any prerequisite skills/background knowledge e.g. knowledge of a particular language or software package?
  • Outcomes: How will your attendees benefit from your session? What do you expect them to gain/learn?
  • Accessibility: We have a complete accessibility guideline set to ensure you make your walkthrough successful.  Some key pieces to consider are:
    • Have you thought about how accessible your session will be to a diverse conference audience (i.e. different skill sets, different work backgrounds)? 
    • Visually, have you considered the colors chosen as well as the shape and size of graphics and fonts? 
    • Will someone who views a recording of your event be able to contact you in future?


We are happy to provide mentors who can help you put together your session. Mentors can help by reviewing draft slides, listening to a rehearsal, providing advice on making material engaging etc. You can let us know if you would like a mentor if you are accepted. 

Resources and accessibility needs

If you require particular accessibility requirements or resources for yourself or walkthrough then please indicate this in the submission.

Wider dissemination after the conference

Please bear in mind that walkthroughs will be published.


All materials uploaded and generated for walkthroughs will be published on the conference system and website will be shared under a CC BY-NC license.